




Bagian Pembahasan Artikel Ilmiah

Saturday, January 8, 2022 | 6:35:00 PM WIB Last Updated 2022-09-22T02:26:20Z

Discussion Section
  1. Begin with major finding
  2. Critically explain what these findings mean
  3. Critically relate with literature for similar or different finding
  4. Relevance of the findings – clinical or scientific/research implication
  5. Limitations of the study – what and why? How this could be addressed
  6. The way forward based on findings – not unanswered by your study, further research needed
  7. Take-Home Message – at the end of the discussion or separately in the conclusion section
Do not include:
  1. Overrepresentation of the results – careful not to go beyond what is supported by the data
  2. Unwarranted speculation – not supported by findings
  3. Inflating the importance of the findings – unwarranted importance, exercise “humility !”
  4. Tangential issues – remain focused on hypothesis, objectives, and study results
  5. The “bully pulpit” – do not use discussion to attack others or preach to the readers
  6. Tangential issues – remain focused on hypothesis, objectives, and results
  7. Conclusions not supported by data – avoid the temptation

January 8, 2022
Writing Center 
The Faculty of Ushuluddin, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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